Our German Oldenburg Verband Mare/Foal Inspection for 2024 was held on August 8th. We presented two very fine foals to the German Oldenburg Inspector and the filly, Roadshow (Rodioso/Sir Gregory) was awarded a Premium Award. The colt, Revenuer (Rodioso/Heops) was awarded Elite Status. We will be hosting one more inspection in 2025 and hope to present three new foals and guest foals are welcome. This will most likly be our last hosting of a GOV Inspection. Father Time marches on and we at Derby Farms are not as young and spry as we used to be and several of my wonderful mares, like me are looking to slow down and perhaps think about retiring to the pasture or the garden. Contact Pam Pentz at 425-483-9583 via text or phone for more information.
On March 5th, 2022 Rodioso passed away. He was 26 years old and leaves behind an amazing legacy that continues on via frozen semen. While we will miss his kind ways and wonderful beauty, we celebrate his long and wonderful life and the future foals he has yet to sire.